Sunday, October 23, 2011

Episode 1: How it all Begins

January 2002,

It was the beginning of a new session of studies, a new year when I was in Form II, when I was still 14 years old back then. I was told that I would be in the first class from the form that was shown to me a year before that. My name was listed in the '2 Yakin' students list of 2002. I was then, pretty confident that I would be going to 2 Yakin that year. I was there at the school, happily walked into 2 Yakin, the first day in Form II.

That, was when, my friend, Lee Boon Hong, walked into the classroom. He told me,

"Hm, you are not supposed to be in here, you know."

Inquisitively, I could not help but asked him in both doubts and trepidations,

"Huh, why is that so, my name was in the list."

"Look at the students list stamped on the door of the classroom, then", he said.

So I actually just did what he asked me to do. Of all the things I could just guess, something really grave stunned me in paralysis. My name was not in the list!

"My name was also in the list to be admitted into 2 Yakin the previous year, you know, but then the name just got excluded", he said.

I was speechless, not knowing what to do then. Thinking about how these all could happen, I could only remember that both I and Boon Hong might have gotten the very last two ranking in 1 Yakin back then. And then, two new students, from other school, with better results were sent into the class, resulting in me and him excluded from the list. This, could not be faulted.

As like a soulless zombie, or a ghoul, I could only keep all the things that I had settled down in the class, and then, in all humiliation and confusion, walked out of the classroom. I then walked to the second best class, 2 Tabah, where I was actually sent to.

It was a nightmare. It was some sort of feelings that I could never forget.

"What is happening here? Me, I got sent to the second class?" I soliloquized.

I had always been in the first class ever since the class division system was implemented. My results were not too good, but only sufficient to keep me in the first class. I finally fell into the second class. Serves me right for all the slacking I did before. I was really sad and was in desperation and dismal. I, really did not know what should I do, and how should I tell my mom about this.

I was sitting alone in the new class, staring at nothingness. My mind just flew off to some other places. And then...

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