Sunday, October 23, 2011

Episode 3: My First Expression of Love

... Time passed and the year in Form II had finally ended. Being an coward little nerd, I did not speak a single word with her, as I really rarely spoke to even any girls...

November 2003,

I was in Form III that year. I had somehow managed to get back to 3 Yakin with all the efforts that I had put during the previous year. Nonetheless, I was not as happy as I was supposed to be. Getting back to 3 Yakin, I should be more than satisfied, but, my heart was hung amidst. My soul was still there at 2 Tabah. My soul was still with her, my love-at-first-sight.

Time really passed idly, days by days, without seeing her for some time. The year was about to end, it was a November, and the session was, too, about to come to an end. I did something really extraordinary this year. I bought her a silver necklace, though not a pure silver, at the jewelry outlet. I packed the necklace nicely inside a box, which was usually used. I paced my way to her classroom, 3 Tabah. She was not there. In fact, the whole class had gone out for an exercise session. So then, recognizing where she sat in the class, I put the necklace inside her drawer.

My friends, they all knew I was doing this, and they were all waiting to see what was going to happen. Soon after that, the students of 3 Tabah came back. They were all back to their seats. I was in my class that time, as I had to attend the lectures also. But I could tell they were all coming back as they passed through my class.

Then, my class ended. Two of my friends, whom I had forgotten which two, went to her class to observe what was going to happen. As expected, she had discovered that there was a small little present inside her drawer. I was sitting in my class by that time, too nervous to do anything. There would also be another teacher coming in so I would not want to leave the class. Then, the two brave friends of mine came back.

"She rejects your gift, dude", said one of them.

I was really perplexed to have known that my gift would be rejected. I could only strangle in intransigence,

"Just throw that necklace away if she does not accept it", I said.

What happened after that, where had that necklace gone, I had no idea back then, the truth was revealed only a few years later...

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